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January 14, 2021


West Monroe man says he had permission to urinate on house

(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)


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After returning to the scene to check if Hamilton had urinated anywhere else on the property, with permission of course, they noticed a brown stain on the side of the building where Hamilton had stood, leaned backward then dropped his pants and took a dump on the wall. This way passer byers would think he was just leaning against the wall and in no way, shape or form taking a dump.

Our city requires a written letter on file stating it is OK for people to urinate or lean against your wall and take a dump.

He wouldn't have needed permission if he just mailed it to Toronto.



This is not my property, this not my property. Feel free, permission is of no concern and certainly not an issue AT ALL.

File this under, 'latest homeless toilet use ediquett".

From his mugshot I say he looks like a serial pisser.

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