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January 13, 2021


Don’t mess with our manatees.


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Dave, to speed up the sea cows add some meth into their algae. Also carving names into living animals can be dangerous; a moose once bit my sister.

I would argue that the Naples area is a safer and more serene place to live compared to whacked-out Miami but it's getting past my bedtime.

I do have a "Save the Manatee" Florida license plate. The extra fee goes towards their preservation.

Ooow, it's almost like somebody tried to take sashimi to a whole new level.

Way to go Dave! Your evil plot to secure our freedoms by tricking the COs into disabling all the ships in the Russian navy seems to be working.

I hope there's a football team in Florida called the Manatees. Their offensive and defensive front lines might rival those of the Big 12.

Representative Emanuel Cleaver wants to know about the Womanatees.

Why don't alligators eat manitees ? (you can tell I don't live in FL).

The thick hides of manatees make them puncture resistant to gator bites and their thick hides are also a digestive nightmare for gators according to a website.

Can you really order more breadsticks at Olive Garden? I am grieving over the lost opportunities.

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