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January 18, 2021


Man found living in Chicago airport for three months 'due to fear of Covid'

(Thanks to Not My Usual Alias, who says "I've spent three months circulating the passenger pickup loop, but never been inside that long.")


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Once he realized what it cost to enter Disneyland he decided to just stay in O'Hare and ride the baggage conveyor while humming to himself "It's a small world after all".

Kinda reminds me of the story of Mehran Karimi Nasseri.

I spent 12 hours in the Chicago airport once. 30 days there sounds more like a jail sentence.

We know you have a choice of airports to live in, so thanks for choosing ours! Now either get out or we'll sentence you to 30 days at Midway!

Adrian Monk?

Uh, in three months, couldn't he have WALKED home to Los Angeles?

When in an airport during a pandemic, are you supposed to place the Covid mask over your own mouth and nose before assisting others with theirs?


@ Not My Usual Alias - Do NOT remind me of the passenger pickup loop at O'Hare. I tried to pick Mr. Hatter up there once about thirty years ago. I assume that's where he still is....

@MH — The frogger has rideshares sharing the limo lanes

It’s a lot of fun to argue with the police that you’re not standing, you’re trying to let a person cross traffic and live

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