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January 17, 2021


Alabama man finds $300,000 of heroin in car bought at Tennessee government auction

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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With some planning and wheeling and dealing, that guy could have turned that $500 Ford Taurus into a Ferrari.

Can the glue feathers to the kilos and feed them to the catfish??

Was it a Toyota ? Because you asked for it, you got it.

I saw this happen on Let's Make a deal.

"You chose door number 3."

Let's see what's behind Door #3, Johnny open it up?"

"A $500 Ford Taurus with a Walmart bag in the trunk filled with $300K worth or Heroin!"

Backtracking to a thread a few days ago about ice-cream...
Here's a helluva deal on a top rated Cuisinart ice-cream maker on sale with $110.05 knocked off the regular price:


Rocky mountain high ice cream recipe, don't forget the heroin.

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