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November 12, 2020


No, for real, don't.

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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Would it work on murder hornet queens?

Awww.   :o(   "Jumbo Pierre" from the "You might also like" section cannot be delivered outside the UK.

This link is the intro to Dave Barry's next book, "How to Get Shot"

The company allegedly sent some of these to be test marketed in Texas. Oddly, none of the testers were ever heard from again.

Sean Connery:


That would be a good way to get shot and/or arrested here in Virginia. Possibly with a beat-down.

When I saw this, I thought about the episode of Simpsons when the family members could zap each other in a failed attempt at group therapy.

This would make a great stocking stuffer

I'm sure there will be many witness statements to the effect of: They touched the other person with that pointer thing and then the fight started.

Maybe "Don't bring a Social Distancing Zapper to a knife/gun/baseball bat/brick/whatever fight." will be added to the folk wisdom lexicon.

I wonder if we will see an emergency room removal article about one of these that was misplaced "accidentally". We can then get Nurse Cindy's opinion.

Sorry I went on and on. So many questions.

Le Pet, the testers didn't need them, since they already had cattle prods.

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