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November 16, 2020


Whatcom County council member’s cows interrupt online budget talks; moos heard

(Thanks to pharmaross and Ralph)


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Obviously a motion to moooove the previous question.

Cows should be seen and not herd.

An obvious attempt to rig the vote by the council.

That's a load of bull.

Mr. Ed wishes to debate.

The moooving council meeting accomplished nothing but it was accompanied, appropriately enough, by the material usually found on barn floors.

With all those cloven cow hooves at the meeting, they should have the numbers to
V-toe any resolutions they oppose.

The county seat of Whatcom county is WhoDat city.

Had the farmer been outstanding in his field this never would have happened.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
The interrupting cow...

That was an interesting moos event.

This article is udderly ridiculous.

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