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November 19, 2020


Man applying for Washington State Patrol job gets arrested during interview

(Thanks to Mark Buckley)


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The question that gave him away, "have you eve appeared on The Dating Game", sources revealed.

Some interviews go better than others.

Now he'll be able to put "law enforcement experience" on his resume.

Officials said the man ended up being arrested for suspicion of the rape of a child.

Umm .. wow. Good thing they arrested him.

They call that cutting out the middleman.

If you submit to a law enforcement polygraph employment interview, chances are you want to get caught, perhaps subconsciously. Hope justice was served in this instance.

If they say that they don't have enough evidence to charge him, what did they arrest him for? Wasting their time?
(Although I would forsee a grand jury in his future...)

Given the type and seriousness of the suspicion, I am glad they arrested him while they investigate.
They have withheld his name, I think, to protect the minor and possibly protect the perp from the child's parents.
I rely on my learned blogits to contribute any legal-speak on the story.

Washing State Patrol rules for employment.

(1) We Do Not Hire Morons.

(2) If you are a attempting to hide a past crime, refer to line one.

(3) If you are applying to become a police officer and fit line two, you should have stopped after reading line one and run away.

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