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November 29, 2020


Bizarre dragon-like blue sea creatures wash up on South African beach

(Thanks to DaninDallas)


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Well, Puff the magic dragon did live by the sea, so there is precedent.

If they sting, they're primarily venomous, not poisonous, although probably inedible. Harrumph.

And they're micro-dragons.

This is a challenge to Australia's title.

Since this is 2020, the venomous blue sea dragons will soon appear in Florida, California and tributary rivers. They likely are already in Australia, where they were able to blend in with all the myriad other venomous/poisonous/constricting/nasty tempered critters that live there and remain unnoticed.

Neat. We don't have these in IN. We have worms.

What's wrong with you, Dave? OF COURSE we should tell the Oregon Highway Dept.!

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