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November 27, 2020


Austrian village named F–king to change name after unwanted tourist attention

(Thanks to Michael Parry, Asher Scheiner, Doug Ogg, John Lobert and pharmaross)


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Futhermucking sounds like it would be a great place to hold this year's Santacon.

Can Samuel L. Jackson still be honorary mayor?


Although if you Google the Wheeler Walker Jr. song, "F**k You B*tch," you might find an exception...

If you find the town on Google Maps, you will also see nearby places named Pfaffing, Wolfing, Sinzing, Wupping, Franking, Oberfranking, Aich, Buch, Staig, Schwaig, Schwabenlandl, Am Anger, and, closer to the German border, Roidham.

This former resident currently resides in the NY area.

Never mind. I did however use the use the 'Ph' word in a Efing disgusting manner.

I'm with man tom, just change the name to "Effing Town" and be done with it. Problem solved.

It'll be easy to find, "Just take the Effing Road through the Effing Forest about 15 Kilometers then you'll be that Effing Town."

What a Fugging shame. It was a good name.

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