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November 15, 2020


Man warned by police after shouting 'wakey wakey' in Gosport

(Thanks to Ralph and Mr. X., who says "we are currently in a lockdown situation in England - non-esssential shops closed, work from home if you can, essential travel only, etc.  Obviously it's vital to drive around at stupid o'clock shouting out of your car window.")


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Stew Ped O'Clock! Paging Stew Ped O'Clock!

That would be a felony in the nearby Goslow Hospital Zone.

For the record - A friend of mine, who shall remain shameless, and I used to drive around in his 1964 409 SS, cruise down a busy street at 40 mph turn off the ignition, pump the gas pedal numerous times then flip the ignition back on. The backfire sounded like a massive explosion. Loud is the word I am searching for. You could hear it for blocks. We blew out the muffler more than once.

One conversation while doing this went like this,

*KABOOM!* The ignition had been flipped back on after flooding the car while drivimg down the busy street.

Nameless friend, "Did that old lady drop that bag of groceries?"

man tom, turning my head to view behind the car back down the sidewalk, "Yeah, she dropped the bag and the groceries flew everywhere."

Laughter ensues and my friend says, "let's go polish the car and pick up some chicks."

***I swear this, we picked up some chicks.

He could have rode a horse down streets yelling at top of his lungs."The British cops are coming! The British lockdown cops are coming!"

I though the British were smarter than this. If they tried something like that here in my town their truck would look like Swiss Cheese by the time they got to the stop sign at the end of the road.

In Texas, this behavior would,of course, be a hanging offense.

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