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September 22, 2020


A man dressed in a chipmunk outfit robbed a Ville Platte pharmacy at gunpoint over the weekend.

(Thanks to Ralph)


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The security cameras caught both audio and video which was of great help to police. The perp was told by the clerk to take off that silly costume. In an all too familiar squeaky voice the robber said, "costume, I don't need no srinkin' costume. Gimme the goodies!"

Alvin had broken bad from the stress of retirement and living in Geezer Acres and had turned to drugs. The clerk sadly provided for his wishes. As he left the drugstore he sang;
"Oo-ee, oo, oo, ah, ah, ting- tang, walla-walla, bing bang, my gun didn't go bang."

Police are searching for Alvin's son. believing he may be a chip off the old block.

If Alvin & the Chipmunks have turned to a life a crime it must mean that the Christmas albumns aren't selling well this year.


Keep a Burmese python watch dog/snake. It probably would work....but also keep away patrons....

Trio of robbers:
"Hand over the cash!"
"Hand over your watch!"
"Me? I want a hula hoop!"

Still, probably the closest thing we'll see to trick-or-treaters all year.

When everyone goes out wearing a mask, for months on end...
where's the fun in trick-or-treating?

Free candy.

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