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September 21, 2020


Strip clubs in Jacksonville lobby to lower age limit for dancers to 18

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Wasn't there a TV show in the sixties that covered exotic dancing in Florida?
I think it was called "77 Sunset Strip"

77 Sunset strip was in CA, but with 77yo strippers the ratings must have been sagging.


Let the little girls dance
they want to give the pole a try
so let the little girls by
they will wear masks when they dance
so let the little girls dance

No, not funny.

The lawyer representing 13 clubs and four dancers was, you guessed it, paid with a giant stack of ones.

I'm pretty sure our Founding Fathers didn't have erotic dancing in mind when they wrote the First Amendment.

Cindy, don't be too sure. The Puritans typically didn't let their children get married unless they'd slept together first (to ensure they were compatible).

C'mon Man!

The Founding Fathers were meeting in pubs, with Ben Franklin & the like, meeting with Privateers and the like, no doubt being served by lively lasses & bold wenches, so what could possibly go wrong?

What's the fuss about ? That new Netflix movie CUTIES has 11 year olds dancing. We're in a Brave New World gang.

Right on LeDud!

And if you think lowering the Florida stripping age to 18 is warped, take a look at these Danish sickies...


That was wild pharm. I can't imagine a parent allowing their 11 year old to go. "Yeah, you can go and talk to those naked people...". However, if I were to appear, it might scare them enough to be chaste until they forget the image .....probably sometime in their mid twenties....

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