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September 25, 2020


Costco Is Already Selling An Advent Calendar Full Of Beer

(Thanks to klezmerphan)


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Of course, the contents won't last until anywhere near December. So you'll buy another, and another, and another until you finally get to Christmas.

Marketing people are scum. Except maybe when they're selling beer.

"We knew there are beer drinkers who like Christmas and we wanted to tap thaty market" said a Costco spokesman.

Sam's club realized they missed a chance at this market.
"We're sadder bud wieser" now.

Costco: My kind of store!

♫ 'Tis the season to get hammered, fa la la la laaa, la la *belch* *hiccup* ♫


I can verify as there's a case staring at me across the room fresh from The Century Club as of yesterday.

Looks like someone's in for a Beery Merry Christmas and a Hoppy New Year as we await 2021 full of the angst that is 2020, of course for some of us it's alredy 5781 as Yom Kippur starts Sunday eve.

If Iron City beer is not featured (and I'm sure its not) then I don't want it.

LeDud - I agree whole heartedly. I've had Iron City and I wouldn't want it again, either.

Not related but FYI:

Friday marks the 231st anniversary of the passage of the First Amendment (and the rest of the Bill of Rights).

I've never even heard of Iron City beer, but I don't want to try it,either.

Is there a Rust Belt beer?

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