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September 27, 2020


Face of Elvis appears in giant wave as 65mph winds hammer east coast

(Thanks to Chuck Cody, Ralph, pharmaross and John Lobert)


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Yep, there he is. Unmistakable. I think this was foretold in 3rd Ruminations? Or was it 2nd Hesitations? My Old Testament, unfortunately, doesn't seem to include these books, though.

This was only one of many prophecies and observations made by Dr. Timothy Leary. He was also famous for saying: "The Universe is an intelligence test." And his great insight into using acid: "There are three side effects of using LSD: Increased long term memory, decreased short term memory, and forgetting the third."

He was also a big time Elvis fan.

It looks like there's a frog on top of Elvis' hair.

Where imagination is concerned, the long months at sea take their toll.

This guy can't hold back his enthusiasm over it.

@C. "Thunder Lizard" Robbin - Those books are in the Apocrypha. :D

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