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September 24, 2020


Two men are hit with felony charges for cheating in Utah fishing contest after forensic analysis of winning fish proved it came from another lake

(Thanks to Geoff)


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A few more details here.

I used to live in that part of Utah, and hanging is too good for fishing tournament cheaters in that part of the world! But $500 and having to pick up the garbage will do in a pinch.

The judge remarked, "Something smelt fishy."

Wasn't this the subplot of a Carl Hiaasen novel? (Although, to be fair, his book didn't take place in Utah.)

*I love Skink!*

Who the hell put that fish in the wrong lake?


See, if there was a wall around the cheater lake, they never would have gotten here!

What? Oh.... Never mind...

"Robert Dennett, 45, and Kamron Wootton, 35, were sentenced to 24 months' probation and are banned from hunting for 24 months"

That seems a bit unrelated. Did they also have hunting licenses?

The article didn't mention they were also banned from Utah for life like Denny Crane was in Boston Legal.

Why was The Big Giant Head banned fro UT?

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