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August 26, 2020


Whatever the case, the man’s choice Aug. 16 to look at his teeth in the mirror while behind the wheel of a Honda Accord appears to have been a poor one, according to an arrest affidavit.

(Thanks to pharmaross and John Lobert)


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If this reporter is auditioning to be the next writer of the Flathead Beacon police blotter, he's trying too hard. Next applicant!

Thank goodness for pharmaross or Dave wouldn't have hardly anything to post in the blog.

Imaging the in-depth report had the driver been checking his recent hemorrhoid removal surgery.

*Ass runs into top cop while checking his ass for stuck food particles in rear view mirror.

Agreed, wanderer. The stories in the Flathead Beacon pretty much write themselves.

Not really, Dave. He was also charged with Driving Without a License.

"It’s unclear whether the man has a lawyer on retainer."

So the lawyer has to wear a retainer for his teeth?

Brace yourselves - it's a slow news day.

Finally, a story you can sink your teeth into.

The Tooth Fairy was wise not to dignify this story with a comment. The journalist needs to brush up his skills. It was hard to extract the truth from all the idioms. This was cert-ainly the crest of the wave of shoddy journalism, and will hereafter be known as the Colgate scandal. I trust no one was harmfully impacted by it. The journalist will begin his indentured servitude immediately.

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