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June 30, 2020


Unsold Guinness beer used to fertilize Christmas trees during the lockdown

(Thanks to Maryann)


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Ho Ho Ho - those will be some happy trees!

No longer will these trees be consider lite weight weight. From now on they're stout

This may explain why the trees can't stand up without help.

My understanding is that Xmas has been moved to phaseIV, partB, which looks to be around the middle of August-September, here in MA, and while the holiday trees may not be as mature as in previous years, they will be well nurtured, but as an aside, any alchoholic bevereges that you've had the decency to filter through your own kidneys, those are being welcomed at the Queens estate, in Scotland, so Cheers, long-live-the-Queen!

Miller Lite or Bud Light would kill any vegetation.

Éuell Ginnons may have said « Many parts of a pine tree are edible ». So now the tree may taste even better.

Go forth with the gospel according to Guinness: the brew is proven good for nature, and man is part of nature... (as this was ever a real question)

I'm glad to see they found a new use for it. I always thought it was only suitable to use as the tar for repaving the streets.

Some years ago I discovered stouts can actually taste good, if they happen not to be Guinness.

O Guinness tree, O Guinness tree . . .

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