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June 26, 2020


YouTube views of sourdough videos jumped 400% in coronavirus lockdown

(Thanks to Dave Stuff)


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Thank the lord, I was already sitting down when I heard the news, but I still feel like we kneed to dough more.

I could spend many hours watching sourdough rising. It is aven better than paint drying.

The promise of sourdough that headlined this story was mentioned just once before morphing into a commercial for exercise machines.

Trickery, trickery. Sourdough pancakes, biscuits, and bread are great. Getting a good starter takes time, but most of us have had plenty of that lately.

As for exercise, doesn't getting out of a recliner and walking all the way to your fridge to get another beer count?

When the new AT&T commercial refers to the sourdough fad, you begin to realize just how truly annoying it really is.

They switched to cat videos. Last but not yeast, as they say

Hopefully making a sourdough bread will not lead to yeast infection, I'm not a doctor.

More evidence of the media bias against haggis. Not even a mention.

It's more exciting than watching reruns of televised golf.

YouTube ranked ahead of facebook on the Alexa Rankings.

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