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April 28, 2020


The theme for tonight -- as you have no doubt already guessed -- is: rutabagas.


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What kind of gas is rutabagas?

@Ruthenium - It's the kind you definitely want to avoid.

Famous Rutabagas in Literature:


Rutabagas are IN THE NEWS, people.
The Remote-abaga Ball!

...forgot to post the web url....

I lost my rutabaga! But I'm sure it'll turnip somewhere.

Rutabagas? But it's National Blueberry Pie Day. ISIANMTU.

Up here they're called "Swedes" -- nobody knows why, not even the Swedes.

Prairie Cynic--My grandparents on my dad's side immigrated from Cornwall, England. I remember them making Cornish 'pasties' or half-moon shaped meat pies that were very popular with miners. When they were made with rutabagas they called them "Swedes."

I honestly don't believe even they knew why they were called that. Turnips beat rutabagas in a pastie by a long chalk in my opinion.

Some people here in Flathead County claim rutabagas and sour kale are the main ingredients of haggis. Anyone know if this is true?

Wasn't there an old song, "The Rutabaga That Ate Chicago?"

Or am I mixing up my vegetables? Uh, rutabagas are a vegetable aren't they?

I remember calling Roto-Rutabaga when the toilet clogged up...

I'm not sure if I've ever encountered one. Would I know ?

No one remembers 'the turnip' scene from the 1941 movie, Tobacco Road?

I remember thinking, these people look a lot my relatives, but wearing more clothes, and what I need is a tow sack of turnips.

Writer's embellishment.

I was probably twelve or so and riding in the car down a dirt road to visit a relative and his family. My uncle was a great county signer around the bars and the people in the small towns loved him. So, as we arrive in a cloud of dust, I see my cousins running around in the yard. I asked my mom, "mom. why aren't they wearing any clothes?" My mom says, this is the honest to god's truth, "they can't afford diapers."

If you have never seen the movie, you should be ashamed.

A guy walks into the doctor's office. A banana stuck in one of his ears, a rutabaga in the other ear, and a carrot stuck in one nostril. The man says, "Doc, this is terrible. What's wrong with me?"

The doctor says, "Well, first of all, you need to eat more sensibly."

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