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April 29, 2020


Florida man blames John Wick for guns found in his car

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who says "In that case, sir...")


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I didn't know who John Wick was so I looked him up. Evidently he's a fictional retired hitman played by Keanu Reeves. He got mad after somebody killed a dog given to him by his dead wife. I'm assuming she did this before her death. As for Florida Man, he's a nut.

Gervo (Jellin') Gellin made a poor choice for a role model when he picked John Wick. On the good side, however, he had better taste than to chose Hannibal Lecter.

Idiot. He should have said they belong to Jack Bauer.

Cindy, once they killed his dog in the first movie, there was no hope for them. If you're bored (which I know you are), you could do way worse than watching the Wick movies.

Careful. You don't want that guy mad at you.

Everybody wants to be a movie star....

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