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April 25, 2020


An unidentified man in northern Spain was busted this week for taking his fish on a walk in its bowl. He appeared to be trying to take advantage of a rule allowing pet owners to leave their homes so that their pets can relieve themselves.

(Thanks to Ralph)


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Looks like he's gill-ty of not sheltering in place.

Carpy diem.

Old but good:

A man is walking along a road with a fish in its bowl. A policeman stops him and asks "Hey! Where are you going with that fish?"

"I'm taking him to the aquarium."

The next day, the man is walking along the same road with the fish, and is stopped by the same policeman. "Hey! You said you were taking that fish to the aquarium!"

"I did, and he had such a good time that I'm taking him to the park today."

I'll be here all week. Try the carry-out veal, and PLEASE tip at restaurants.

The neighborhood cats would have liked it better if he had taken his fish for a walk with just a leash.

For a real workout, try a 50-gallon aquarium.

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