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April 29, 2020


ABC News reporter forgets to wear pants during ‘Good Morning America’ segment from home

(Thanks to pharmaross and Asher Scheiner)


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For some reason I don't have a problem with this.

Must have been casual Friday

I have a piece of duct tape over the webcam on my laptop and I’m still worried people can see me.

Tragically, it's always the men that forget to wear pants.

Most likely this was no big deal.

Having a pet wander in would be more entertaining.

Was planning to go to WalMart after the show.

Right, he "forgot."

You know, he was the son of Christopher Reeve, Cindy. No wonder you are OK with that.

Reeve apparently wants to run for Congress.

There used to be a local sports guy in DFW who was always in shorts because he'd just come from a ballpark or practice field. He'd put on a coat and tie, but of course the desk obscured him from the waist down. One time the crew had a bit of fun and showed him from the side, where it was very clear he was in shorts and sandals.

He eventually went on to NBC, and later hosted National Geographic Explorer. His name was Boyd Matson.

Home is where the pants aren’t.

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