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March 26, 2020


5:28 p.m. A local man reported that he tried to ask Siri to call “411” but instead it called “911” and now his wife is glaring at him.

(Thanks to Roberto)


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How is Kalispell not in Florida?

Are we sure it's not Jake from State Farm?

10:15 a.m. Two “tweekers” were up to no good in Kalispell. I may be a redneck, but I don't like "tweekers".

5:21 If the wife is glaring at him, then 911 is in fact the number he really needs.

But really, the headline says it all.

Is the drinker at 5:38 pm the same as the drunk guy with the pick axe at 6:46 pm?

3:19 p.m. A van full of teenagers was rolling down Shady Lane.

The beginning of nearly half of all horror movies in existence...

6:14 a.m.--A stray dog was standing on a Kalispell man's porch all night.

An animal welfare check disclosed the man was on vacation and he had left his ornamental steel dog on the porch to protect if from the weather.

@"Thunder Lizard" - I'm betting the same guy was also involved in the following item:
"8:53 p.m. Someone was shooting off a gun."

fractalist, it's also the beginning of much of the next generation.

3:19 p.m. A van full of teenagers was rolling down Shady Lane.

At least there wasn't a Naughty Lady on Shady Lane.

(Geezer bus alert!)

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