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January 27, 2020


Walking sharks discovered near Australia but there's no need to head for the hills

(Thanks to Barry Nester)


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Many people believe that when the inland oceans dried up, some sharks evolved to live below the surface in sandy areas beneath old, dry river beds like they portrayed in the movie Tremors.
In reality, however, sand sharks may have begun to realize food is more plentiful when they crawl to the surface and chase it down. But of course that couldn't happen--could it?


@ - fractalist - I kind of agree except there's no mention of them leaving a slime trail.

Do you have to hire someone to walk these sharks when you're away from home? Sounds like a good job opportunity for my teenage son.


Walking shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Walking shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Walking shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Walking shark!

They're not actually walking to Australia: they're crawling to get as far as they can away from Florida!

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