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January 31, 2020


During Super Bowl week, Miami is Glamor Central.

DB with Giant Poo




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You see, that's what's great about the blog: it's educational. Where else would you read that blowtorch cooking was started in the 1960s by Julia Child?

J. Lo and Shakira without Diarrhea, who incidentally performed at the Toilet Bowl, pretty much make it hardly worth watching.

I'll be watching! Go (insert your team's name here)!!!

Leave it to you Dave to have your picture in front of some poo. Cute

Watch out, Dave: that podium looks like it has a trap door.

That article was full of crap. Well done ! Funny.

Why do I suddenly want chocolate ice cream?

I just hope both teams have fun. There are 120 medals for participation waiting for every boy and girl.

Does anyone's poop really resemble soft-serve ice cream? It's a shape mine has yet to take on.

I might ask for the blowtorch for Father’s Day

What could go wrong?

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