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January 25, 2020


JANUARY 24--A Florida Man named Walter White was arrested Wednesday and charged with violating terms of a probation sentence he received last month following his conviction on a felony methamphetamine charge, records show.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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So Walter White didn't die in that gunfight in the desert West of Albuquerque. We always had a suspicion the body they found was just a plant to get the cops off his back so he could make a fresh start. A name change would have been a good idea, but oh,no he couldn't do that.
It looks like his moving to Florida wasn't a smart move either.

IMO, Bryan Cranston rocks that look better.

"Are you known by any aliases?"
"Yeah, they call me Heisenberg."
"Spell that for me."
"H I...H E Y Z...umm, just put down 'Wally.'

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