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January 29, 2020


People look for tits and finches across the UK for the Big Garden Birdwatch

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Beaches and beeches are a good place to start.

They can be skittish and prefer to hang above a mature bush.

I once had an uncle who said he referred to titmice as "breast rodents" in mixed company.

Did Clankie just cuss ? Ohhhh I see...no he didn't.

I don't know about finches, but for tits these Brita could try Helen Mirren. She seems always willing to show them.

A friend tells me that to study tits, there are bars with poles that go to the ceiling that seems to attract them. He also said finches are birds and they are generally not found in bars.

If you need to identify different tits, there are handy pictures of them on the internet. Just use Google's image search. Ask any teenager for help.

Search for "tit birds" — duh.

Next week, flits and pinches.

In the winter blue tits are very common in England.

Over the years, many singers/songwriters have extolled the beauty of birds: CS&N in "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" mention the Chestnut Brown Canary and Ruby-throated Sparrow... The Beatles' simple yet elegant "Blackbird"... And of course Joe Walsh's immortal "ILBT's"

I never heard it called a "finch" before.

In my entire lie I have NEVER looked for a finch.


Big blue tits will peck through doorstep milk bottle tops.

The strict policy which obtains here prevents me posting photos.

But the UK is weird.

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