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January 31, 2020


Costumed Minnie Mouse pummels Vegas security guard in wild beatdown

(Thanks to pharmaross and Allen at Division)


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As long as that stays in Vegas, I'm good. Just keep it far, far away from me.

That was better than most network TV. Now that she is through the preliminary round, she is ready to move up to the big time: Times Square.

I notice Goofy was smart enough to stay out of the line of fire.

Breaking news!
Mickey Mouse has filed divorce papers against Minnie.

Mickey was heard to comment,"She hasn't been the same since we went to Disneyland."

Mickey was later quoted as saying he was disturbed because she was effing Goofy.

Minne will not suffer any legal consequences. There is a saying in law -- "De Minnie Mouse non curat lex." Explained here> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_minimis

The Chuck E. Cheese wasn't open yet.

There is nothing sadder than a aging Mouseketeer.

If this becomes an option in one of those wedding chapels...

....no, worse; what if it gets picked up by one of those places out of town that cater to less formal arrangements.?

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