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January 28, 2020


Wendy Williams Addresses 'FartGate'

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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I believe her completely when the says she's never farted once on the show. No telling how many times, but not once....

" gas gets released several different ways "

Well if you're going to deliver a science lesson, you can forget it.

I am glad that we still do not have the flying cars and the Smell-O-Vision.

She needs to see a doctor because we all know it's an ill Wendy that blows nobody any good.

She is obviously correct. Everyone knows girls don’t fart. Except my wife, of course - she’s very emancipated.

We Southern ladies do not fart. We get the vapors.
Also, I'd watch Wendy Williams fart anytime before I'd ever watch an awards show like the Grammy's put on the other night.
Kudos to Le Petomane.

This is the kind of cutting edge, hard-hitting, no frills reporting that just might land Ms. Williams that elusive and coveted Pulitzer... Which comes with a lifetime supply of Beano.

Unladylike snort @ Le Pet.



I still seem to remember Wendy O Williams singing for the Plasmatics. No one cared if she passed flatus then.

"I barely fart."

Sort of like my wife, who always says "Don't worry, it won't stink."

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