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December 30, 2019


This is the nudes: BBC to screen two hours of 'slow TV' cameras panning around naked bodies of life drawing models… in the hope that viewers will sketch them at home

(Thanks to Roberto)


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This is uncalled for! It's a sin against...... Wait a minute... Male models too? I wonder if I'll be able to catch this on BritBox. I have my drawing pencils ready.

They'd get better rating by showing "Naked News".

And don't y'all lie to me, some of you remember it.

"But Mom... It's an ART project!"

Yeah sketch them at home. nudge nudge wink wink.

...and I used to scan Playboy magazine just for the articles.

This show could be popular for single millennials still living in their mom's basement.

Pencil ready, and full of lead.

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