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October 31, 2019


A German dentist received a Guinness World Records certificate this week after pulling a 1.46-inch tooth from the mouth of a patient.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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I guess they must consider this to be like a fishing competition.

I don't think I'd want my dentist looking at my teeth as potential record-setting material.

France is on high alert.

It looks a little like Commodore Decker's planet killer...

A friend claims that the tooth brush was invented in Flathead County. If it was invented somewhere else it would have been called a teeth brush.

Are they sure that the patient wasn't a walrus?

Shouldn't the patient get the record?

Kinda looks like Walter.

This is one of two things you never want to happen to you. The other one is to hear your doctor say they're naming a disease after you.

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