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October 31, 2019


1-ton boulder stolen from national forest in Arizona

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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I wanted to do something like this once upon a time. A rancher near Mineral Wells had a rock just inside his fence line that looked like the shape of Texas. It was probably four feet across, and so would have required a winch or crane to steal it. It's not there any more, so somebody with better resources than me must have taken it.

A guy once stole a big egg shaped boulder from Arizona's Petrified Forest. When the authorities found where he lived, they only found two halves of a hollow egg shaped rock. There has been a BOLO out on this dude for years, but he has never been seen again.

Well you know how difficult it is to find a really good paperweight?

Harry Potter levitates the Wizard Stone

It took a lot of gall to steal that stone.

May it was just so stoned it went for a roll
and forgot it’s way back...

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