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October 30, 2019


Two women come to blows over man on Oklahoma highway

(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)


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Yeesh-fighting over him??? was it like "you take him" "no YOU take him"???

Don't mess with with circle groups of them.

Clearly, some key information is missing from the story.

1. How many dogs were involved?
2. How many beers were involved?
3. Who lived in the bigger trailer?

It's been a real problem in my life, I'll tell you. I've had to separate many a lustful group of groupies.

Sorry, I was thinking of an entirety different scenario.
Hoping NC is not reading this.

Shoddy reporting. Why was Oklahoma man on the highway in the first place?

My spider monkey is planning a lawsuit for libel against the species.

There's gotta be a song in this story somewhere.

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