Snorkeling grandmothers reveal large deadly sea snake population in popular bay
(Thanks to Fred Preller, who asks “But who did they open for?”)
« September 2019 | Main | November 2019 »
Snorkeling grandmothers reveal large deadly sea snake population in popular bay
(Thanks to Fred Preller, who asks “But who did they open for?”)
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Hitman hires hitman who hires hitman who hires hitman who hires hitman who tells police
(Thanks to John Gregg and Another Ralph)
Flight delayed at Gatwick because of 'bulldogs wearing tutus'
(Thanks to Ralph)
Can dancing the Macarena really fight jet lag? Scientists think so
(Thanks to pharmaross, who says “If people in Coach start doing the Macarena at 35,000 feet, I"m packing a parachute in my carry-on and sitting in the emergency exit row.”)
Man saves his nail clippings for a year and turns them into engagement ring
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Marijuana Found at North Dakota Nuclear Missile Facility
(Thanks to carv)
Tennessee man grows 910-pound pumpkin, turns it into boat
(Thanks to Charles Cates)
Uranus Opens And Closes Every Day To Let Out Hot Wind, According To Scientists
(Thanks to Stan Ruth)
Lazy horse plays dead every time people try to ride him
(Thanks to John Gregg)
British officials create 41-mile detour for 65-foot-long road closure
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Georgia town bets on giant bushy chicken to attract tourists
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Electric scooter overheats, shooting off 30 balls of fire
(Thanks to Not My Usual Alias, who says “I, for one, would love to have flameballs coming out of my transportation method.”)
Handcuffed woman who twerked her arresting officer faces charges
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Florida inmate charged with feeding pet iguanas to alligator at sheriff's zoo
(Thanks to Le Petomane and DaninDallas)
(Thanks to Linda Schutjer)
(Thanks to pharmaross, Steve Pudlo and Hayseed Tom, who asks “Is this where Beanie Babies come from?”)
Martha Stewart Says Felicity Huffman 'Looked Pretty Schlumpy' in Her Prison Attire
(Thanks to Kevin Smith)
(Thanks to Kevin Meerschaert)
‘Drunk Santa’ busted for burglary in California
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
Most parents steal from their kids’ Halloween candy, survey says
(Thanks to Ralph)
Scientists have trained rats to drive tiny cars to collect food
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
Lawyers argue Happy the elephant should have the same rights as humans
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner, who says “I would first discuss if lawyers should have the same right as humans.“)
Underage man allegedly stole toilet seat from bar
Apparently there’s an age at which you can legally steal toilet seats.
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
Mom spots terrifying 'ghost baby' in son's crib; says she 'could kill' husband after learning cause
(Thanks to David Knight)
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Scariest haunted house in U.S. requires 40-page waiver, doctor’s note, safe word
(Thanks to Doug Ogg)
You can now ask to keep the tattoos and skin of a loved one when they die
(Thanks to pharmaross and John Lobert)
Bag of snakes brings new library policy in Madison County
(Thanks to Not My Usual Alias)
Man arrested with 57 pairs of St. Edwards students’ underwear in his car
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Florida venomous snake eats another snake as giant wasp attacks in wild video
(Thanks to Rod Nunley and Le Petomane)
Scientists worry lab-grown human ‘mini-brains’ may become sentient
(Thanks to DaninDallas and Mark Schlesinger)
How Scientists Are Recreating Dinosaur Breath
(Thanks to Doug Ogg)
This has been The News From Abroad.
(Thanks to Ralph)
(Thanks to Roberto)
Man says 'nuh-uh' when urged to end high speed chase, police say
(Thanks to Katherine Pelinovich)
Why Do Pigeons Bob Their Heads?
(Thanks to Matt Filar)
A Man's Body Brewed Beer in His Gut
(Thanks to Violet)
Military has phased out the use of floppy disks to coordinate nuclear launches
(Thanks to pharmaross)
British soldier jailed for excessive nipple twisting
(Thanks to Peter M)
(Thanks to Le Petomane, who says "Wouldn't just letting them have the recipe be getting even?")
Team Builds A Massive 3,168 Square Foot Ouija Board
(Thanks to John Lobert, who wants to send it to Washington)