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October 30, 2019


Mt. Pleasant woman in jail after running over future mother-in-law

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Hey, why put off the hatred for your new in-laws until later? Better to get it out of the way early.

Don't worry. All is well. The bride-to-be was told that the only thing she needs to make for Thanksgiving is bail.

There are many TOTALLY innocent reasons for having a tire tread mark across your stomach.

If it were my mother-in-law, the driver would have backed up and re-aimed.

(Seriously, I think a house once fell on her sister...)

In the future, self-driving automobiles will have an optional MIL mode.

Bum rap. The mother in-law was simply the victim of a malfunctioning transmission. These things just happen.

True story: I once had a mother-in-law fall down an elevator shaft. The door opened and she fell on top of the car that was only a few feet down. She wasn't badly hurt, but I was glad to have been a state away when this happened and I had witnesses.

PB-Did the mother-in-law's sister run into the collapsing house after being bitten by a moose?

Up here we would call running over a future mother-in-law a "preemptive strike."

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