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October 30, 2019


Phone Sex Line Number Printed As Suicide Hotline On Middle School Student ID Cards

(Thanks to Asher Scheiner and John Lobert)


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There's not really any difference, given what I've been told about Lancaster, CA from somebody who once lived there.

"No, I said ending it all right now, not can you take it all anytime."

I told Westlaw that their 800 assistance number spelled NUT MEND many years ago. Two days later, they had a new number to call.

I guess their management didn't have a strong sense of humor

Yes, back in my middle school days I would dial a number, and if someone answered I would say "Did you know your phone number spells out 1-800-WET-FART?

I fail to see the problem. Calling suicide prevention and getting a hot sex phone number instead just might give the caller a reason to live.

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