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October 31, 2019


Bicyclist Tries To Open Beer On Front Fork While Riding

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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Was the beer injured?

So who was on that skateboard, and where did he end up?

I think we can safely conclude that He was not on the way to a Mensa meeting.

Some people never learn a good life lesson that originated in Texas: "Hold my beer and watch this!"

The real lesson here is to never ruin a good beer by mixing it with exercise.

But was it a good beer? If the beer was injured, maybe that was a just and proper fate.

Key word: Tries

Bicyclist might have opened the beer without going @$$ over teakettle if he'd used his left hand. Then any accidental brake gripping would have affected the rear wheel and led to a safe stop instead of a somersault. Geezer alert: This happened to a friend without beer during first ride on a bicycle with hand brakes just because of being left-handed.

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