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October 28, 2019


Samsung pseudo satellite falls out of the sky, lands in rural Michigan neighborhood

In an article from Samsung Newsroom U.K., the Samsung SpaceSelfie project is designed for Samsung consumers to get their pictures with a backdrop of space using a high-altitude balloon to carry a Galaxy S10 5G phone into the stratosphere.

(Thanks to Kevin Meerschaert, Doug Ogg, Not My Usual Alias and EricY, who asks "Did it take a selfie of it crashing?")


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Did the homeowner take a selfie with the wreckage?

If you have ever seen The Andromeda Strain, there is some good advice in that movie for people who find a crashed satellite: DON'T OPEN IT!

David Pogue sent a phone up into space at one point. Made for a great article. I was inspired to try something similar until my wife saw me hiding a weather balloon and helium.

Isn't a "pseudo" satellite sort of like a kite ?

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