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June 30, 2019


Toronto Transit Commission spokesperson Stuart Green said a few customers had earlier complained that the robot voice’s utterance of avenue — pronounced “ah-ven-OO” — sounded too American.

(Thanks to The Perts)


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So they're upset abOOt it, EH?

I've worked with/for Canadians, and now the company I work for has a lot of Canadian customers, and they ALL have the stereotypical sing-song-y Canadian speech pattern.

Ever notice they end all their sentences with a rise in pitch, giving the impression that they're always confused and/or apologizing?

@Rod Nunley--If they are French Canadians, could it be they're not confused or apologizing, they're just practicing surrendering?

It's certainly what they do best, Le Pet.

Have Boris Karloff re-record it.

@Rod Nunley - And Happy Canada Day to you, Sir!

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