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May 30, 2019


Dad doesn’t need another shirt.

(Thanks to Brian Duval)


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The Weinermobile as a daily driver was a novelty and enjoyable for about a week. Now I suffer.

This has got to be the opening line of Carl Hiaasen's next novel.

Is it Kosher?

No bun?

What's considered high mileage for a wiener?

According to a recent study, 87% of the men who drove this said their passenger reached her destination, when in fact, they never left the driveway.

When a man drives a weinermobile, women just throw themselves at you said no one ever.

Do you think that he got tired of hearing "That's a nice wiener"?

the best part is he notes mileage will go up since he is using it to get to/from work.

And with Oscar Meyer you don't need to go to the service station to get gas.

1. Dad would relish the chance to have this.
2. Dad would have to cut the mustard to drive this.
3. Dad has never sausage a gift.

Thank you..

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