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March 24, 2019


Scientists Have Cured Alcoholic Rats by Shooting Lasers at Their Brains

(Thanks to John Gregg)


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I saw Alcoholic Rats open for Giant Dead Hornets.

This is just wrong. First, the mad scientists build rat saloons with free booze and poles for the lady dancing rats. Then, just when things are going good for the rats, those evil scientists shoot lasers into their brains and ends the party.

The moral is: Never send a Storm Trooper to cure a rat of alcoholism.

Scientists later learned in addition to curing alcoholism shooting lasers at brains also significantly increased breast size and therefore caused the long line of drunk women in the offing for laser treatment outside their door.

After imbibing sufficient quantities of alcohol, you will wake up feeling like someone is shooting lasers in your brain.

Or so I've been told by a reliable friend...

Time to organize National Laser Pointer Day on the U.S. Capitol steps.

@ fractalist--If the empty liquor bottle has a very pickled worm in it. you would wish it was just a laser attack that happened to your brain.

Or this is what an unreliable friend told me.

Damn, now what am I gonna do with all these tiny cocktail napkins?

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