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February 21, 2019


A woman accused of mooing at a deputy after a traffic crash and likening the investigator to a cow was arrested on DUI and other charges, according to an affidavit.

Guess the state.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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calling a deputy a “pig, sow, cow, (derogatory term), (derogatory term), (derogatory term), (expletive) and (expletive)

If we correctly guess what those were, do we win a prize? =^)

Dave would note the affidavit failed to mention "(bad word)" and "(very nontechnical term)."

She put the "F" in Florida.

How to win friends and influence people... NOT!

How not to respond when stopped by an officer of the law.

"Ossifer you're an udder idiot. Oh, can I ride in your piggymobile? Wow.
"Can we stop get you a ham sandwich ? Wheee."

Overheard: So SOOO-EEE me!

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