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February 19, 2019


More than 7,000 sign petition to sell Montana to Canada for $1 trillion to pay down national debt

"Just tell them it has beavers or something."

(Thanks to Howard from Broward)


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They aren't thinking about how much more US Canadian boarder wall we will have to build.

I assume most of the people who signed the petition live in Flathead County.

New York wants to know if we can please be next...please.

CA is offering prep classes in 247 languages in anticipation of the move.

BTW, if ever visiting CA DO NOT call Pizza Hut to order delivery and expect to understand what you have just done.

"The Montana Purchase"?...

"Fuqua's Folly"?...

Tell them they can have both Dakotas as well. Includes a basement, 2-car garage, the Dave Barry Sewage Pumping Station (North) and a large sculpture (South), which can be retrofitted to honor the four greatest Canadians: Pierre Trudeua, Wayne Gretzky, Dudley Do-right, and your choice of one of the Dionne quintuplets.

Canada was agreeable. All we had to do was take Justin Beiber.
Sorry, but that's a deal breaker

A leveraged buyout in real estate only requires about 20% cash in the financing side of the deal.

Getting the people of Montana to say "eh" might eat up a lot of the proceeds

Tell them we'll throw in..er..back Justin Beiber if it will seal the deal?

And maybe Manilow?

I see that Canada also has the 911 system so the folks in Flathead County could still butt dial this number. I can think of a couple of other states I'd rather see sold to Canada.

Can we sell California to Mexico next?

Asking for a friend...

There was a suggestion a few years ago that the US acquire Canada's Atlantic provinces, which average almost 10% unemployment now, and about 15% then. The provincial governments were not happy with the Canadian federal government's assistance.

Perhaps Canada would like to swap Newfoundland and Labrador for Montana? Just tell Congress it has seals or something.

1 Trillion is too much. The best I can do is $132.50

" ... from a Canadian: What if instead we sell Saskatchewan to the US and then on the map Americans would be flipping off the rest of the world like they always do? (Uh, salty!)"

Kristen Inbody, Great Falls Tribune

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