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February 20, 2019


The object of the game is for volunteers to grab a $100 bill attached to a bull without leaving their assigned circle inside the ring.

What could possibly go wrong?

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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I like all the players that are still standing resolutely inside their assigned circle even though they have seen two people tossed around by the bull.

I mean 100 bucks is 100 bucks.

Could we use the same system to take the place of party primary elections?

I don't see the problem. The bull seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the game.

markhh, that was my favorite part too. They just stand on their marks, waiting to be tossed in the air.

So the bull gets to keep the money. Excellent strategy.

Talk about a load of bull s**t!

our next event is cowboy roulette, everyone spins a gun on their finger and the first one shot gets $100.

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