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February 18, 2019


Massive menstrual flow character will be Japan’s newest movie star

(Thanks to Ralph)


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So it's a period film?

Sometimes, somehow, you just know not to click on things.

Sounds like a chick flick.

I'd like to know more about the Cowboy Bebop movie.

Uh .. no.

I heard a sequel is in the works called "Mental Paws" featuring her cat.

I'm busy right now. Maybe I'll catch a rerun in 28 days or so.

It gives you red wings.

Raymond Burr will play a giant anthropomorphized menstrual cycle in the film. Run away little people.

MMF toured with Blood, Sweat and Tears.

I don't thnink I'll be attending the sneak previews

Do you think the star is too much of a Sissy to Carrie the whole film?

Of course I should have added that I wonder which talk shows she'll appear on to plug it.

didn't some politicians resign after admitting to being in a mins . . . Oh! Never mind.

The producers probably had to pull a few strings to seal the deal, as finance people didn't originally cotton to the idea.

NurseCindy: Wasn't Cowboy BeBop the working title for "BrokeBack Mountain"?

Seiri-chan is a giant anthropomorphized menstrual cycle.

Are you Seiri-ous? what's next a flying, talking tampon?

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