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February 26, 2019


Lucky Charms flavored beer to launch this weekend

(Thanks to Gary Schroeder, Matt Filar and Jay Brandeis)


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Makes me want to launch just thinking about it.

A marshmallow flavored IPA - reminds of Monty Pythons "peppermint flavored burgundy".

Further proof that the beer snob community doesn't actually drink the stuff they make. They just make it to see that look on our face, and then act superior.

Oh, hell no.

Call me when they make the beer-flavored Lucky Charms.

"It's magically delic--*BARRRFFF!*"

Makes about as much sense as green beer.

Just fill a bowl with the cereal and pour in the beer instead of milk.

Breakfast of Chumpions.

It had better be real cheap.

Well, St. Patrick's Day is coming.

Brought to us by Smartmouth Brewing
We’ll celebrate Saturday Mornings with the release of Saturday Morning IPA that is made with pounds of marshmallows, some of which we toasted, along with tropical fruity Calypso hops.
Because that's what 8 year-old kids were thinking of when they watched cartoons on Saturday morning .. huh?

What's in your Shillelagh?

Brought to us by Smartmouth Brewing
We’ll celebrate Saturday Mornings with the release of Saturday Morning IPA that is made with pounds of marshmallows, some of which we toasted, along with tropical fruity Calypso hops.
Because that's what 8 year-old kids were thinking of when they watched cartoons on Saturday morning .. huh?

What's in your Shillelagh?

It's tragically insidious.

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