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February 26, 2019


College baseball game interrupted when osprey attempting to flee eagle drops fish onto field

(Thanks to Hayseed Tom and John Lobert, who says “You know who put them up to it.”)


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In shallow outfield, it could still be considered an infield fly.


They were both being blackmailed by flying squirrels.

I wonder how that shows in the official box score.

A new Olympic sport?

There goes the osprey's chance of making it into the big leagues.

Interesting tweet from Jacksonville Baseball:

"The fish was recovered by a dolphin and removed from the field."

Maybe the game should have been postponed due to an unexpected high tide or something?

A lot of players never make "The Show" for this same reason: it's more a lack of desire, not a lack of talon(s)...

Another Twins scouting prospect.

The fish, "it ain't over till it's over."

Honorable mention.

To quote Dizzy Dean, "the fish just 'slud' into second base."

Where does the fish line up in the batting order?

Where does the fish line up in the batting battered and fried order?

It's interesting how even into fishing sports betting can get with the increasing popularity that recent US regulations have achieved.

Even local agents are starting to use services to run their bookie business and the regulations on a state per state basis is only expected to expand.

Here's a couple of resources:

State-by-state sports betting bill tracker

How bookies use Pay per head services to run their business

Remember when Morganna “The Kissing Bandit” would interrupt games?

@fractalist - Right before the chips.

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