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January 30, 2019


911 dispatcher helps boy with his fractions homework

(Thanks to The Perts)


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Where was 911 when I was in the fourth grade learning fractions? Why did we even have a government?

It's a good thing this kid didn't call me. He would have gotten a solid "F" after I helped him. My parents tried everything to help me with my math. Flashcards, workbooks, etc. I'm sure they would have liked to call 911 after a few flashcard sessions. My favorite subjects were History and English.

Hearty thanks to that dispatcher for assisting the lad.

Nice to have thrown in a video report of the fragmentary 911 calls regarding the heart-warming story of the vegetative state patient giving the stupefaction birth.

"If you're sentenced to five years' hard labor for misuse of the 911 system, but it's reduced 70% for good behavior, how long will you be in the slammer?"

But while I wouldn't want this to start a trend, I agree with MOTW.

Nice that the boy thanked the dispatcher and apologized for misusing 911. Now if adults could be polite too what a wonderful world it would be.

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