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January 21, 2019


Stone circle thought to be thousands of years old was built in the 1990s

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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Everybody must get... In rounds. Sing.

My kids identify me as square.

The real clue to its recent age are the composition of the stones themselves: 65% Sakrete and 35% styrofoam.

It is a leftover set from a Spinal Tap video.

Immediately called to mind the Spinal Tap scene when they commissioned, on a cocktail napkin, an 18" Stonehenge instead of an 18' version.

When Druids play jokes.

Proof positive that cults are getting lazier.

What gave it away? The "Made in China 1992" stamp found on the slabs.

If you look closely at Stonehenge you'll see it's actually made out of Lincoln Logs.

Key quote: ‘These types of monument are notoriously difficult to date.

A dinner and a movie just won't go very far with the monuments

I have a notion that this Stonehenge, Jr. was used for religious rites involving teenagers, beer, and funny cigarettes...

"Its the circle of lies....."

Hey! Waddad you kids do to my gazebo?

Investigators became suspicious when, upon moving one of the stones, they found a large stash of unopened Atari ET video games...

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