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January 25, 2019


Salamander Festival 2019

(Thanks to Allen at Division)


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Dave--they had a band perform in 2017, maybe RBR could get a gig there? I'll bet you've never played a Salamander Festival before, could open up the whole state fair circuit to you.

Could you imagine more excitement? Sitting around a campfire singing salamander songs and later telling salamander ghost stories and eating salamander shaped cookies. Wow!

But I must pass on all of the wild times and arrange my sock drawer.

All they need to do is open with a stand-up chameleon and it's sure to be a success right from the gecko.

I had a girlfriend in high school nicknamed Lizard Skin. Holding hands was like trying to fondle a leather handbag. Yes, I fondled her hand like a carryall.

I would almost pay money to see the 4:15 Salamander Dancing Demonstration with Heidi. Almost.

We have WAAAAAY too many festivals...

No crowning of Miss Salamander 2019?

We note that the Rob Angus Band will be playing in front of the Seniors Center from 3 to 5:30. What larks!

This is how the origanal Geico Gekko lost his job: he partied too hard at a Salamander festival and drove off a cliff. Like the original Paul, he was quickly replaced with a taller less green "standin" that became permanent.

--from the fictional tell-all biography "I am Fekko"

*groan @ Amoeba*

Salamanders! Carnivorous plants! Snacks for $1! I'm with LePet; I'm just not up for such a bacchanal.

Le Pet - Salamander songs? May I submit...

Nothing could be grander,
Than to eat a salamander,
In the mo-o-o-orning.

O, K!

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